The chakras, also known as energy centers in the body, are useful for understanding energy healing practices such as Reiki. The word chakra is a Sanskrit word which means, “wheel” or “disk” referring to the wheels of ether energy. This energy also known as Ki (life energy) in Japanese, is a non-physical energy that gives life to our physical body. It flows around us in a field of energy called the aura and flows trough our body nourishing the organs and the cells as a support for their well function. Also is the primary energy of our emotions, thoughts, and spiritual life.
The chakras are the pathways for Ki to flow trough our physical body, they help received the life energy and transformed it.
All our negative emotions such as hatred, jealousy, stress, envy, pride, etc., can disrupt this flow of healthy Ki and block the normal functioning of the chakras and as consequence the functioning of our vital organs and body. When the block is been affecting for to long most known diseases will arise affecting one’s health.
Reiki plays an important role to help clear the chakras or pathways for the healthy Ki to flow. When a person receives a Reiki session the energy of Rei and Ki work to release the blockage that have been caused by negative thoughts and feelings. This thoughts and feelings are replace with healthy ones liberating the pathways “chakras” from the block and charging the areas that most have been affected. Once the healthy Ki is flowing, the physical organs and tissues are able to follow and complete their healing process. The person at the end of the session will feel relaxed, energized, clear minded and will go trough a series of healing process of his own for the body now has the healthy Ki flowing trough his/her system.
When giving Reiki to clear the chakras it is of great help to understand how this pathways work and where they are located.
One thing to point out is that Reiki does a great part of the healing process but is up to us to maintain and keep the healthy positive thoughts which will help increase our flow of Ki, making us feel better and have great connection with ourselves every day.